Be Right
The BE RIGHT project consortium aimed to develop a tailor-made human rights education course for care facilities, targeting health and social care professionals whose patients and clients suffered from mental illness.
The content and methodology of the training course ensured that the professionals performing it learned what their patients' rights related to the provision of social and health services could be abused. They were sensitized in their own attitudes to mental illness by understanding the impact these attitudes could have on the intervention process and reflecting on their experiences. The training course should be extremely practical, interactive, compelling and action-oriented. It will be delivered to a total of 75 professionals through a pilot project in 5 partner organizations and will be available to the public through Be Right e-learning platform, available in 6 EU languages.
The BE RIGHT project sought to give voice to people with personal experience of mental illness to discuss how they want to be treated. This is achieved by involving persons with mental health directly in the development of the training materials and the implementation of the training (coproduction). To provide people with mental illness with a comprehensive tool to learn about their rights and empower them to defend their rights, a human rights board game was created for users of services. With the involvement of various stakeholders - human rights, social and health services specialists who work directly with people with mental illness and the users themselves - the resulting products will have a special value based on a wealth of experience, insights and insights based expert opinion.
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