Target group and beneficiaries
Remember that when referring to the Target Group of a project or the Beneficiaries of a project, we mean different groups.
Keep these definitions in mind:
- Target group: the subjects to whom the project is dedicated. They can be divided in 2 categories:
- 1. FINAL TARGET GROUP: Those subjects who have absolute priority in all project activities;
- 2. INTERMEDIATE TARGET GROUP: Those subjects who perform actions towards the final beneficiaries and that might be also direct beneficiaries of some activities.
- Beneficiaries:
- 1. FINAL BENEFICIARIES: Persons and organizations, public or private which, subsequently to the realization of the project, experience an improvement of a aspect of their living conditions in the long run or indirectly (for example: citizenship and companies in a certain area);
- 2. BENEFICIARIES OF THE FINANCING: Public or private body responsible for the implementation of the project, receiving the European funding for the realization of the proposal.