EPSR good practices of implementation: Principle 17 & 18: Inclusion of people with disabilities and long term care

Principle 17. Inclusion of people with disabilities. People with disabilities have the right to income support that ensures living in dignity, services that enable them to participate in the labour market and in society, and a work environment adapted to their needs.

Principle 18. Long-term care. Everyone has the right to affordable long-term care services of good quality, in particular home-care and community based services.

To implement these principles EPR recommends the following issues are prioritised (in addition to those highlighted in the section on employment, for participation in the labour market): Coproduction as a model should also be pursued and promoted, ensuring service users, as experts of their own experience, can co-create services and policy.

-Introducing a platform with comparative information on social protection cash benefits and social services for People With Disabilities throughout the EU will contribute to improving their understanding on the portability of their social protection cash benefit and services.

-Reference to the UNCRPD article 27 should be made and the article taken into account in policy initiatives.

-Good practice in community-based services, particularly services funded by the ESIF, should be showcased.

-Attention should be given to the importance of accessible and affordable care and Assistive Technology solutions to complement quality home care

-Support should be ensured for both informal and formal care, and mixed and flexible services.

-LTC services should promote integrated responses to meet the needs of elderly with disabilities.

-Training of staff providing long-term care to be able to support different disabilities, particularly intellectual disabilities and people with co-morbidity

Examples of good practices that reflect principle 17 and 18 of the EPSR's include:

1. Mariaberg The service promotes integration into the local community of its services.

2. Digitial communication for young adults with multiple disabilities: Case from the Maris Homes in Denmark. 

3.  Advocacy and Representative Structures. Rehab Group Ireland

4. Homecare and Elderly Service: Fundacion Rey Ardid. Service supporting elderly people, people with reduced mobility and those requiring support with daily living.