Social Economy Action Plan

The Social Economy Action Plan, published by the European Commission in December 2021, follows on from the Commission’s 2011 2011 Social Business Initiative, and includes manyinitiatives that aim to support the social economy. “This action plan seeks to enhance social innovation, support thedevelopment of the social economy and boost its social and economictransformative power”.[1]

[1] Social Economy Action Plan:

The aim of the Action Plan is to make the social economy more visible and improve the recognition of its work and potential, enhance social investment, support social economy actors and social enterprises to start-up, scale-up, innovate and create jobs. The Social Economy Action Plan is related also to the European Pillar of Social Rights, which recognises the opportunities provided by the social economy to create jobs while addressing key societal challenges, often through social innovation. 

The European Commission carries out regular communication activities emphasising the role and specificities of the social economy; improving its recognition and potential.

The social economy perceives to help implementing the principles of the European Pillar for Social Rights and deliver on its 2021 Action Plan and the 2030 headline targets.

Key actions

The Social Economy Action Plan aims:

  • to promote access to markets with socially responsible public procurement: social procurement and boosting affordable housing in Europe;
  • to reinforce business support via European Enterprise Network, including social economy actors in the cluster policy and reinforcing their management experience through Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme;
  • to develop networks and partnerships;
  • to boost skills and professionalisation via EU Pact for skills[1] and skills alliances through Erasmus+ programme.

    With more than 60 actions outlined in its Social Economy ActionPlan, the European Commission isdedicated to implementing an ambitious programme aimed at improving the frameworkconditions for the social economy.

    midterm review on the implementation of the action plan isscheduled for 2025.

EPR wrote in 2023 a short briefing on the Social Economy Action Plan outlining the most relevant initiatives for social economy organisations, associations and social enterprises working with people with a disability.