Inclusive Elections
What are Inclusive Elections?
Two fundamental aspects:
- Avoid discrimination on the basis of voter’s disability
- Make all aspects of the election process accessible to persons with disabilities
There is more than voting to an election process…
- Voter registration
- Political campaigns
- Voting
- Election results
Voting technology addresses accessibility for people with physical and visual impairments
2019 European Elections - Pilot project: voting machines in Portugal (Evora District)
- Audio recording assitance
- Zoom to enlarge print on screen plus increased contrast
- Voting booths designed for wheelchair accesibility
Other services for elections:
- Remote voting applications
- Web sites: Election process - public information (preelection)
- Web sites: Reporting of election results
Some additional thoughts …
- Accesibility of voters and of polling station staff, both need to be addressed
- One solution does not fit all. A vision for future elections: multichannel voting
- Voting at polling, online voting (digital, telephone..), vote anywhere and postal voting will coexist
- A fully accesible voter registration solution
- Comprehensive training of election administration staff on accesibility