Examples of use of AI within EPR to support persons with disabilities

Fundación ONCE: ONCE is working on AI and people with disabilities in various ways. Together with Inserta Empleo it has launched the program “For Digital Talent”, which offers scholarships to 117 people with disabilities to train them in digital skills and prepare them for employment opportunities in technological sectors, including AI. The program promotes the inclusion and professional development of people with disabilities in specialised and highly qualified technical jobs, giving them the skills required. 

In 2018, ONCE had a robot that welcomed visitors at the VII Fundación ONCE Biennial of Contemporary Art. The robot used AI technology as a Personal Accessible Cognitive Assistant and provided support to visitors.

The foundation also has contributed to the creation of ACCESSJOBS, a video conferencing platform that enables users to have inclusive and accessible meetings thanks to AI-powered easy-to-read automated subtitles, image recognition and transcription to text. 

ILUNION and Fundación ONCE in collaboration with Microsoft: the three have been cooperating within the framework of a strategic collaboration started twenty years ago between ONCE and Microsoft to expand SoundScape, Microsoft Research's solution for guiding blind people. The collaboration aimed to integrate it with BeepCon, the intelligent beacon system developed by ILUNION that facilitates the identification and location of nearby objects for people with visual disabilities. 

ILUNION and Fundación ONCE have also been working since 2018 on the development of a chatbot based on Microsoft Artificial Intelligence technology, to improve the interaction and accessibility of users of its website. 

Fundación Intras: Intras is part of the project CAPTAIN - Coach Assistant via Projected and Tangible Interface, which proposes the development of a virtual assistant to support elderly and people with disabilities at home with their physical and cognitive difficulties, as well as to foster social participation. It uses cutting-edge technologies such as Augmented Reality and AI to analyse physiological and emotional data gathered from facial and body microexpressions.