Good Practice: Support to Ongoing Entrepreneurs

Support to Ongoing Entrepreneurs

Organisation    ONCE Foundation
Country Spain
Short description The Programme “Support to Ongoing Entrepreneurs”, is one more step within a wider Programme: the ONCE Foundation’s Entrepreneurship Programme.

To goal of the programme “Support to Ongoing Entrepreneurs” is to empower entrepreneurs with disabilities once their business activities have started, through specific and customized training, in order to foster the consolidation and sustainability of their initiatives. 
Target group

Entrepreneurship Programme

  • People with a certified disability under the Spanish Law (over 33% degree)
  • Over 18 years old
  • Unemployed
  • They can either already have a business idea or not. One of the activity lines at FSC Inserta is helping potential entrepreneurs to generate ideas regarding the activity they could or would like to develop (as an option for persons in the job seekers database who cannot find a job in the ordinary market).
  • If the project has a viability plan, they can apply for a grant by the ONCE Foundation. In order to be eligible, their business projects must also prove co-financing, in order to maximize the survival possibilities.

Course for entrepreneurs:

The course was open to up to 50 persons, with the following criteria:

  • People with a disability
  • Who had received a grant under the ONCE Foundation Entrepreneurship Programme between 2013 and 2015 (313) and whose business activity has been started and is still operating (313). The reason to set this period (2013-2015) as a criterion is that the Entrepreneurship Programme establishes an 18-month monitoring period for all granted projects, so we have updated information on most of those projects. Additionally, this training course is mainly intended for new business activities, in order to help improve their sustainability and progress.
Underlying theories

Right of people with disabilities to work, which is one of the main principles and goals of the ONCE Foundation, as well as the empowerment of people with disabilities and their social inclusion, in the mainstream environment where possible.

Alignment with national and European framework. The ONCE Foundation and FSC Inserta always take into account initiatives, principles and objectives suggested by national and European bodies, in order to get profit of synergies and share resources. Our programs are not isolated or static, but part of a whole within the current social and economic context. Specifically, this programme is aligned to the principles of the European Social Fund 2007-2013 (which runs until 2015), and more specifically of those of the Operational Programme for the Fight against Discrimination.

Alignment with the strategy of the ONCE Foundation and FSC Inserta. The design and execution of the Programme reflects the same values inspiring the management of our organization: commitment, responsibility, transparency, client orientation, service quality and customization.

Current trend in Spain, with many initiatives emerging to support entrepreneurship.

Business consolidation, through provision of training on two essential issues: Finance Management and on Digital Marketing.

Control and monitoring (Quality). Being consistent with our organization’s values, the Programme includes a control and result-monitoring system, in order to check the efficacy of its measures and allow its re-orientation or re-design according to them.

Direct impact  
  • Successful completion of the course for entrepreneurs by at least 75% of students (given the high withdrawal rate at online courses)
  • Learning performance.
  • Effective implementation of acquired knowledge to each individual business activity.
  • Impact measurement of the results of the course (evaluation forms to be completed by students).
Conclusions and results
The course for entrepreneurs, as one more step within our Entrepreneurship Programme, is innovative, since:

  • It helps to create a community for a specific group of people with disabilities who are usually isolated, as they work on their own and usually at small/local businesses, and spread all over the country.  The community (online based) can also generate potential synergies.
  • Consolidation of ongoing entrepreneur projects as opposed to the current trend of promoting entrepreneurship.
  • Use of ICT to provide flexibility (geographical and schedule)
    Environmentally Sustainable (online training
and Milestones

The Programme arises within a wider Entrepreneurship Programme, which started in 1988, when the ONCE Foundation was created, as part of the Grant Programme to promote employment of people with disabilities.

Later, in 2000, FSC Inserta, in the framework of the “For Talent” Programme (co-financed by the European Social Fund), joins the Programme, providing training, consulting (help to develop the viability plan and apply for grants) and monitoring to those persons with disability choosing this employment option, thus becoming a more Comprehensive Programme.

In 2015 the ONCE Foundation launches a Study on Entrepreneurship, in order to assess and evaluate the results of the Entrepreneurship Programme (and specifically of the last few years: 2009-2015) with different goals:

  • Find the survival rate of those business activities which have received a grant within the Entrepreneurship Programme.
  • Measure the results of the 3 main lines of the Programme (funding, training and consulting) as well as the impact of our support and identification of the needs of entrepreneurs supported by the ONCE Foundation, as a way to improve the Entrepreneurship Programme and implement new initiatives in the future.

Following the results of the study and according to the needs identified a specific training course on Financial Management and Digital Marketing is offered to granted entrepreneurs.

Contact/More information

Officer Department of Grants and Employment Programs - Ana Juviño:

ONCE Foundation

Sebastián Herrera, 15 - 28012 Madrid - Spain

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