DUOday – GTB Flanders

What is DUOday? The concept is simple: DUOday is a DO-day for jobseekers with an occupational limitation. On that day they form a DUO with an employee within a company or organisation. This duo-job for one day gives both of them a real opportunity. Employee and employer get to know the skills, commitment and possibilities of jobseekers with an occupational limitation. The jobseeker has a chance to show his or her talents, and can test his or her perception of a certain job against reality.

Why? Even today, jobseekers with an occupational limitation do not yet have the same chances in the employment market. This is proven by, among others, the employment rate. It is 50% lower than the employment rate of the total active Belgian population: approximately 35% compared to 70%, with minimal differences between the regions. Great progress can still be made. In the Scandinavian countries the employment rate of people with a limitation even surpasses 70%. Thanks to an approachable campaign such as DUOday we can build bridges between employers, people with an occupational limitation and service providers. DUOday is an action providing a win-win situation for all parties involved.

Evolution. DUOday was first organised in Flanders in 2011. In 2013 this was extended to Wallonia. From 2015 it is a Belgian DUOday with partnerships in Flanders, Wallonia, the German-speaking community and the Brussels-Capital Region.

Success? On Duoday 2018, 477 businesses all over Belgium took part. 42 % of participating businesses learned about GTB or other specialized partner organisations. 60% of the businesses took part for the first time and 92% of the businesses wish to continue this partnership in the future. 31% of the businesses planned a next step after DUOday. 

DUOday in Europe. DUOday doesn’t only take place in Belgium. In 2019, DUOday will take place in 11 European countries: Belgium, Ireland, Scotland, Luxemburg, France, Germany, Hungary, Finland,Sweden, Portugal, Greece.

For more information on DUOday, see this link.