Good Practice: Self-Advocacy Groups - Theotokos
1. What is the name of this practice or what name would you give it?
A) Self-advocacy groups B) Using ICF as a tool for assessment and goal setting. Active participation of the service user and his family to the goal setting.
2. To which dimension of QoL does the practice contribute?
We consider it as an innovative way of working because it focuses on people and not on services. Using the ICF profile we work on service users’ specific needs.
At Theotokos we understand and define inclusion as: all people with disabilities have the right to be respected and appreciated as valuable members of their communities. Their training at Theotokos is aimed to increase participation in recreational activities in neighborhood ,to expand their social network, to place them in the labor market.
4. Involving persons served in service planning, delivery and evaluation of services
Criteria 27: The social service provider includes persons served as active participants in service planning, service delivery and evaluation of the services.
Indicator: The number of persons served that participate in the Satisfaction Survey every year.
Explanation οf the results:
The diαgrαm shows the number of persons served that participate in the satisfaction survey (verticαl αxis) over a period of three years (horizontαl αxis).
Our average number of persons served every year is 360. Only the children in the Early Intervention Program are not included and the ones who were absent on the days of the survey.
5. What would be in your opinion the opportunities and challenges to transfer the practice to the partner organizations?
We could transfer our practices through study visits at Theotokos.
6. Have you evidence (proof) that the practice increased the satisfaction of the family members? If so, please show how satisfaction is measured and the increased satisfaction score.
Criteria 32: The social service provider has a clear concept of Quality of Life for Persons Served and implements activities, which is based on a needs assessment of the person served, with the aim of improving their quality of life.
Indicator: The degree that shows how satisfied the parents/guardians were with the contribution of Theotokos Foundation in the improvement of the quality of life of their child.
Explanation οf the results:
The diαgrαm shows the average score of answers of parents/guardians on the question of how satisfied they were with the contribution of Theotokos Foundation in the improvement of the quality of life of their child (verticαl αxis). The parents/guardians could answer from 1-5 with 5 being the highest score. The range between 3.70-4.69 shows sufficient satisfaction. This is documented in the organizations’ annual satisfaction questionnaire over a period of three years (horizontαl αxis). The results refer to all the parents/guardians of service users.
7. Have you evidence (proof) that the practice increased the satisfaction of the service users? If so, please show how satisfaction is measured and the increased satisfaction score.
(See attachments)
8. Have you evidence (proof) about tangible results of improving QoL of persons with a profound disability? If so, please show how this is determined.
9. Have you evidence (proof) about tangible results of improving QoL of meeting expectations of service users with a profound disability? If so, please show how this is determined.
For questions 8 &9 we can give the same answer:
Some questions in these questionnaires gives us these tangible results .
This practices contributes to self-determination and helps service users to discover their strengths to express their dreams and shows them the way to fulfil their desires. Every year all the persons served are facilitated to participate actively in the design of their personal educational or training plan. They assess their needs, set goals and decide on their participation in the enrichment and therapeutic programs.
3. Would you considering the example as an innovative way of working, if so why?
4. In what way does the practice lead to inclusion of service users with a profound disability? Please explain how you have understood and defined inclusion in this context.
At the end of every educational year, service users assess their program in total through a digital evaluation form. Through this assessment, the interdisciplinary team have information about service user’s likes and dislikes in order to develop a more suitable personal education and training plan for the next year. Information from these evaluation forms is also used to improve and adapt services to current needs.
Parents also evaluate the programs and services in total, through an annual satisfaction questionnaire.