Mariaberg Community based services

Homecare and Community-based services  Mariaberg –

Hilfen nach Maß
gemeinnützige GmbH
Community based services for PWD and
assistance needs
 Advice and support with applications and in contact with
nursing care funds and offices
 Assistance in families
 Assistance for adults/personal support
 Single integration in kindergarten and school
 Integrative holiday offers for children with and without
disabilities from 3 years
 Integrative leisure / educational / vacation offers
Our leisure activities for adults with and without disabilities
The focus here is on fun, relaxation, exchange, normality, variety and

Exciting day trips

Concerts / disco visits

Interesting trips: Trips by plane, city trip, educational bike / canoe / hiking tour,

vacation in the country, weekend trips ...
Integrative holiday programs in Mariaberg, Albstadt - Ebingen and Oberstetten for children and young people from 3 years
Anything else?
Common breakfast on Saturday, cooking and baking courses, horse riding, sports and swimming groups, courses in reading and writing. 
Funding and financing
 Relief services (additional care services) § 45 SGB XI
People who have a significant need for general care and are permanently restricted
in their everyday skills due to a mental or psychological impairment are entitled to
125 euros per month
 Prevention care § 39 SGB XI
It can be used in addition to the care allowance. The care fund takes over e.g. in the
case of vacation or other "prevention of the caregiver" the costs of up to 1612.00
euros per calendar year (through reallocation up to 2418.00 possible)
 Personal budget and self-payer
Integration assistance
Other sources of funding
 Grants from the regional council
 Subsidies from the counties
 State youth plan
 Berta Maier Foundation
 Schwörer-Haus own funds
 Aktion Mensch - staff cost subsidy (lottery fund)
 Own funds Mariaberg e.V.
 Material costs from the participants
What do we do for our employees?
 Regular staff meetings
 Information events
 Themed evenings
 Contact person for all questions
 Insurance, medical officer care, support
Questions and contact
Location Gammertingen:
Sandra Kunzelmann (Head of Open Aid)
Trégueuxplatz 1
72501 Gammertingen
07574/934 968 19
Sigmaringen location:
Anja Mahler
Antonstrasse 20
72488 Sigmaringen
07571/7486 7040