Emplea Sin Barreras– Fundación Intras (Valladolid, Spain)

Organization overview: Fundación INTRAS is a non-profit organization created in 1994 that helps people with mental health problems in the recovery of their life projects. They offer professional services such as accommodation, training, employment, personal assistance, leisure and free time, mutual support, research, psychology and psychosocial rehabilitation. Fundación Intras has centres in 6 provinces of Castilla y León (Valladolid, Zamora, Salamanca, Burgos, Palencia and Ávila) and Madrid, as well as networking with entities throughout Europe through the development of projects.

Emplea Sin Barreras project

The Empleas Sin Barreras (Employ without barriers) project is a supported employment program aimed at facilitating the direct hiring of individuals with disabilities in regular companies. Led by the Fundacion Intras, this initiative focuses on:

  • meticulously analyzing job tasks within companies,
  • identifying suitable professional profiles among candidates with disabilities,
  • providing comprehensive support throughout the employment integration process.

Fundacion Intras conducts assessments of job responsibilities and candidate qualifications, ensuring a tailored match between job requirements and individual capabilities. Moreover, they offer ongoing support to employees, assisting them in achieving autonomy in their roles. Ultimately, the project extends its support to companies, guiding them through the process of integrating employees with disabilities into their workforce.

With a focus on inclusivity, the project has successfully served 120 individuals, with a significant portion aged between 16 and 31 years old, comprising more than 65% of the participants.

Notably, the project introduces an innovative approach by introducing a new service within the community and establishing a novel professional role: the Job Prospector. This role plays a crucial part in identifying suitable job opportunities for individuals with disabilities and facilitating their integration into the workforce, thus contributing to a more inclusive and diverse employment landscape.