Mental Health Services in the region - Fundación Rey Ardid
Rey Ardid began its activity in 1991 as a pioneer in the field of mental health in the region of Aragón. Today, it is a group of organisations that carries out actions aimed at the attention, care and integration of vulnerable people, generating services and environments that facilitate greater personal autonomy, through efficient management of available resources and placing the person at the centre of all its actions.
Rey Ardid aims to be a benchmark in the design and provision of innovative programmes and services to promote the inclusion of vulnerable people, maintaining an attitude that is permanently open to the establishment of collaborations and alliances, both with administrations and entities with common objectives.
Human: We work with respect for the dignity of the person, receiving training and giving the guidance that each case requires
Flexible: We adapt to the needs and expectations of the people we serve.
Promoters: We generate areas for improvement in our daily performance and in motivating users
Rigorous: We carry out our work with honesty and quality, always acting with the utmost transparency
Regional outreach
- Aragon
- La Rioja
- Castilla La Mancha
Areas of work
The Foundation develops its activity in multiple different areas, all related to each other.
This allows designing complete care and rehabilitation itineraries that favour the
integration of people with difficulties in a normalized social, vital and labour environment.
- Mental Health
- Elderly
- Training & Employment
- Social Enterprises
Rey Ardid & Mental Health
Origin: The Mental Health Area was created in 1991 with the aim of comprehensively addressing the needs of people with mental health problems and their families.
Methodology: Based on: individualized care & community intervention. It currently has a network of resources aimed at recovery and empowerment.
Our team: Interdisciplinary teams (psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, social workers, occupational therapists, social educators, social integration technicians, clinical assistants, monitors) with 90 professionals, 32 volunteers, and and all the necessary auxiliary services (kitchen, cleaning, maintenance, etc.) that attend 512 people and their families.
Our network of resources is framed within two Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Support Centres, located in the cities of Zaragoza (regional capital) and Calatayud (rural area). From both of them, in addition to direct intervention, we carry out awareness programmes aimed at health education, health promotion and prevention of mental suffering.
Medium Stay Unit (UME) - Residencia Profesor Rey Ardid
A hospital residential facility where activities and programmes are developed for the recovery and social and family integration in the best conditions for people with severe mental suffering. Diagnostic and treatment tasks are carried out from a multidisciplinary, rehabilitative and recovery perspective, making it possible to return to the social environment from which they came, with the necessary support structures.
Pioneers: The UME was the first centre of its kind in the region of Aragon. Its opening more than 30 years ago was a milestone in the care of people suffering from severe mental disorders.
Day Centre - Zaragoza & Calatayud
Public day centres linked to the mental health network of the Aragonese Health Service, which offers a care service aimed at people with mental health problems between 18 and 65 years of age and their families. It works through therapeutic and artistic group activities, social and labour insertion, individual accompaniment... depending on the needs of each person.
Supervised flats - Zaragoza & Calatayud
Network of community residential resources integrated in the mental health network of the Aragonese Health Service, with standardised housing located in the social environment. Individualised accompaniment is offered to promote the personal and social autonomy of the person.
Covering people’s needs: We have more than 30 places distributed between rural and urban areas
Occupational Centre - Zaragoza & Calatayud
Comprehensive and personalised care is provided through occupational and personal & social adjustment activities, which allow to overcome the difficulties associated with the processes of psychological suffering that subsequently make it difficult to complete work itineraries.
- Occupational space as close as possible to the work context both in its rehabilitative content and in its organisational structure and physical location.
- A space for occupational workshops, pre-employment workshops, group activities and individualised monitoring for training in socio-occupational skills.
Social Club - Zaragoza
A space for socialisation through leisure and free time activities (sporting, artistic, expressive, cultural), aimed at people with a serious mental disorder who, due to the difficulties derived from it, cannot access other leisure resources at that time. The Club allows, through the occupation of free time, to improve the social links and the skills and competences of the people who participate in it.
First phase of the social inclusion itineraries: Where they begin to recover social skills, stimulate their artistic, cognitive and sporting abilities, personal resources and expand their social network, helping to promote their autonomy and empowerment.
Social Community Support Team - Zaragoza & Calatayud
Multidisciplinary and mobile team that works within the framework of therapeutic accompaniment, both in the environment and in the homes of those people with difficulties in their autonomy and participation in the community, providing an intervention adapted through individualized processes.
Espacio Visiones - Zaragoza
A place for artistic expression that promotes the creativity and empowerment of people with disabilities associated with serious mental suffering through citizen participation, collaboration with cultural spaces and regional artists and accompaniment in alternative social and labour insertion itineraries through art and culture.
Breaking down the barriers of stigma: Highlighting their abilities through the performance of a normalized social role and active citizen participation, promoting social integration.
Visiones Emergentes: Creation of a virtual space in which artists and their works can be made known, providing them with visibility and autonomy in their creative process
Digisem: Digital transformation project aimed at promoting autonomy and improving the quality of life of people with mental health problems.
Delyramus: Training adults with and without disabilities in the cultural sector, through 3 training modules: String construction, Instrument construction and interpretation of organological sources, Interpretation of traditional and contemporary music. Contributing, through music, to their well-being and their way of socialising with others, while recovering European cultural heritage.
EmoZional: Free psychological and social care for young people between 18 and 30 years old. Includes Family therapy, Mindfulness, Therapeutic group, Social work, Psychology, Therapeutic theatre, Art therapy.