Career Guidance - Theotokos Foundation

Vocational Orientation Programme

The Vocational Orientation programme for the beneficiaries of Theotokos is completed in 15 one-hour sessions involving 10 beneficiaries with developmental disabilities and autistic spectrum disorders.

The participants are trained in Theotokos' vocational workshops and either have expressed their desire to work themselves, or are referred by their trainers because they know their potential.

From Training to Employment

The role of vocational orientation

  • Assists in choosing a career path that matches the individual's skills, interests and needs.
  • Matches the personality characteristics of the individual with the characteristics of the job environment.
  • Aims to develop realistic goals and enhance the participants' career path.

Recognition of skills and talents

Components of the programme

The programme includes the following modules:

Knowing each other – cooperation

  • Contract - team rules - knowing each other
  • Who I am…
  • My path what I have done so far…
  • I want you to know about me...
  • Dreams…


  • Personal characteristics
  • Identification of the strengths and weaknesses of the participants
  • Interests
  • Values


  • Information about the professions
  • Techniques for searching for information on the professions
  • Which profession do I like (questionnaire on Holland characteristics and factors)

Action Plan

  • Goals
  • Action plan to achieve the goals
  • CV
  • Preparation for interview

Adaptation to Needs and Preferences

The guidance process must be personalised, tailored to the preferences and needs of each individual.

Adaptation to individual needs helps successful professional integration and development.

Practical ways of vocational guidance, such as job simulations, are necessary to help people understand the requirements of different professions.

Apprenticeships and job shadowing make a key contribution, providing valuable experience in real working environments, facilitating adaptation and understanding of job roles.

The Benefits of Career Guidance

  • Enhancing self-confidence and independence
  • Enhancing self-efficacy
  • Dismantling dysfunctional beliefs
  • Linking skills to professional areas
  • Addressing professional challenges